Oprettet februar 2011
Vægt Historik

Start Vægt
109,8 kg
Indtil videre tabt: 3,8 kg

Nuværende Vægt
106 kg
Præstation: Taber 0,8 kg om Ugen

105 kg
Stadig tilbage: 1 kg
I started focusing on my weight in 2008, this led to a rather dramatic weight loss from 134 to 92 kg in about 9 months (in hindsight probably not all that healthy), after staying at that weight for some time I decided that I had become too spindly and decided to put on some muscle, this proved rather a bit harder than dropping the weight in the first place, after goofing around and making lots of mistakes I began actually gaining weight around 2010 and I've only recently really gotten the hang of controlling my weight in both directions.

I'm mainly using FatSecret as a tool to count calories, I have largely abandoned this practice during my bulking cycles as I generally just eat anything that isn't bolted to the ground in order to actually gain any weight, but calorie counting is a nice tool (some would say crutch) for my cutting cycles.

MrMonster's Vægt Historie

MrMonster's Seneste Madvarer og Motion

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